23. April 2024
Out now: Nonprofit Pulse 2024 report!
The Nonprofit Pulse Report 2024 has just been released. It provides invaluable insights into the challenges faced by NPOs in times of crisis, particularly from a European perspective.
In recent years, the landscape of nonprofit work has undergone significant transformations, with the emergence of new challenges and opportunities. However, perhaps none have been as profound as the trials presented by crises, be they economic downturns, health pandemics, or social upheavals. These moments of adversity have tested the resilience, adaptability, and innovation of NPOs across the continent.
The Nonprofit Pulse Report 2024 delves into these pressing issues, offering a comprehensive analysis of the strategies employed by European NPOs to navigate turbulent times successfully. From agile fundraising techniques to community engagement initiatives, this report showcases the diverse approaches adopted by organizations to fulfill their missions amidst uncertainty.
Moreover, it underscores the importance of collaboration and partnership in bolstering the resilience of NPOs. By fostering meaningful alliances with stakeholders, governments, and the private sector, nonprofits can better weather crises and continue serving their communities effectively.
As we delve into the findings of the Nonprofit Pulse Report 2024, let us not only reflect on the challenges faced but also celebrate the resilience and ingenuity demonstrated by NPOs across Europe. May this report serve as a guiding light for practitioners, policymakers, and supporters alike, as we collectively strive to build a more resilient and inclusive future for all.
Read the NEW Nonprofit Pulse 2024 report from the European Fundraising Association, the UK’s Chartered Institute of Fundraising, and Salesforce
Based on a survey of 671 representatives of nonprofit organisations from 20 nations across Europe, it reveals the impact of the ongoing economic crisis during 2023, the biggest challenges and how nonprofits across the continent were tackling them.
Find out:
- Which areas, from fundraising to service delivery and staff wellbeing, were hardest hit.
- The biggest challenges for nonprofits across Europe.
- The opportunities seized in response – from advances in technology, to collaboration.
- How fundraising and organisational strategies changed as a result.
Special focus on AI
For the first time, this edition of the Nonprofit Pulse report includes a focus on how nonprofits across Europe are using AI, or plan to, and their view on its challenges and opportunities. Read the report for recommendations on getting started with AI, and commentary on this and other key report findings from fundraising experts across Europe.
Download the report for FREE here.
Deutscher Fundraising Verband e.V.
Der Deutsche Fundraising Verband e.V. stärkt die Kultur des Gebens und vertritt die Interessen der einzelnen Fundraiser*innen, der im Dritten Sektor tätigen gemeinnützigen Organisationen und der sie unterstützenden Dienstleister*innen in Deutschland. Er fördert die Professionalisierung des Berufszweigs sowie die Umsetzung von Transparenz und ethischer Prinzipien in der Branche. Ihm gehören rund 1.400 Mitglieder an.Der DFRV ist der zweitgrößte Fundraising Verband in Europa und Mitglied in der European Fundraising Association, EFA. Geschäftsführerin Larissa Probst ist gewähltes Vorstandsmitglied der EFA.
- Kategorien:
- Branchennews,
- Verbandsnews